Baby is a record holder: What a girl looks like now, who is much larger than her peers

Today we will talk about a girl who, at the age of 4, has already become a record holder, although the record is not quite standard. The fact is that Chahat Kumar from India weighs much more than the norm. Already at 8 months, she weighed 20 kilograms!
Читать далее «Baby is a record holder: What a girl looks like now, who is much larger than her peers»

A TikTok celebrity responds to trolls ridiculing ‘catfish’ dentures and makeovers.

As the number of followers grows, so does the number of detractors.

In April, Alicia, a 36-year-old New York woman known on Tik-Tok as Princess Glitter Head and Toothless Princess, became famous after a viral video featuring her snap-in dentures and radical makeovers. Читать далее «A TikTok celebrity responds to trolls ridiculing ‘catfish’ dentures and makeovers.»

What sextuplets look like, which are already 11 years old

 Flowers of life: what sextuplets look like, which are already 11 years old

For many couples, the addition to the family is an exciting moment. This is especially true for the first ultrasound, where they tell you whether everything is fine with the child, what gender you are expecting a baby and, in some cases, parents are made happy with the news that they will have several heirs at once.

Читать далее «What sextuplets look like, which are already 11 years old»